Keto Amazon Shopping List | Best Amazon Buys!

Keto Amazon Shopping List | Best Amazon Buys!

Amazon Keto List

If you are like me, Amazon boxes make an appearance at your house often. I have found that it is so much easier and usually cheaper to order Keto/Low Carb specialty items off of Amazon than to drive all around town hoping to find. Recently, I asked my Keto/Low Carb Facebook Group and Page their suggestions so that I could create an Amazon Keto List with lots of options. Of course, you don’t need all of these items to get started by any means, but little by little you can figure out what items you will use most often and begin to stock your keto kitchen. Between shopping at your local grocery store and from this Amazon Keto List you will have all the items you need to recreate your favorite recipes, which makes following this way of eating easier. You’ll also want to check out my Keto/Low Carb basic grocery list free printable for your next shopping trip at your local grocery store.

Trying to stay in a keto way of eating can be difficult if you don’t have your set places to buy from. For most people Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods work for that. But not all of us can be rich folks with gold toilets. Walmart can also be a place to find some gems. Being a mom and a homebody, I don’t always get the chance to drive the 35 minutes to the neared TJ’s and Whole Foods. Maybe once every few months and when I do go, I tend to get some bulk items or canned things I can’t normally get.

I have been a Prime member for well over 5 years and I have been a member of Amazon since college. We have a long and committed relationship and we are both very happy. If I can buy it on Amazon, I would rather buy it there than try to find it in a store.

When looking at the places that you shop for your keto items, they tend to satisfy different things. Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods can fill similar needs for those more specialty items. Walmart and your regular grocery store is for meat and produce. Amazon is for the snacks or the items that last quite a while.

This is a list that I have built up of items that I buy regularly on Amazon that fit perfectly into the keto way of life.

You can access all of my Keto/Low Carb Recipes in my Keto/Low Carb Recipe Index or follow me on Pinterest for fabulous Keto/Low Carb Recipe Ideas.

Keto Books:

Keto Urine Sticks:

Nut Butter/Nuts:

Bone Broth:


Coffee Supplies:



Sauces and Condiments:


Thickening Agent for Soups, Sauces, and Desserts:


Baking/Cooking Items:



Water Enhancer:

MCT Oil/Collagen:

Baking Pans/Fat Bomb Molds/Misc:

Meal Prep Containers:

Low Carb Items:


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