Keto Kentucky Sawdust Pie

Keto Kentucky Sawdust Pie
Treat yourself to a slice of this indulgent Kentucky Sawdust Pie – rich, nutty, and full of caramel flavor! 😋🥧
1 unbaked pie shell
1 cup sweetened shredded coconut
1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 large eggs, beaten
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
In a large mixing bowl, combine the coconut, pecans, graham cracker crumbs, sugar, and brown sugar.
Add the melted butter, milk, vanilla extract, and beaten eggs to the dry ingredients, mixing until well combined.
Pour the mixture into the unbaked pie shell, spreading it evenly.
Bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes, or until the filling is set and the top is golden brown.
Allow the pie to cool completely before slicing and serving.
Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: 45 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour
Kcal: 450 kcal | Servings: 8 servings


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